I Don't Get Chance To Visit MY Mother Weekly I Send Gifts To Her Daily Through MY Work At MY Project USA MY Project USA Could Be A Legacy For Your Loved Ones Too!!! Family, My mother tirelessly, selflessly worked all my life until her stroke to make sure that I had everything I needed to be successful. From teaching me my ABCs to finding good books for my children; from making food for the family to catering food for hundreds of people to support her family; from preparing me for public speaking to binding my books and sewing my clothes; from taking me to the doctor in the middle of the night to praying for my health and taking care of me as an adult; from day one my mother was there for me, my siblings, and our family. She was a hardworking middle class woman in Pakistan who raised us as a single mother in my father’s absence as he worked overseas. She would walk miles while carrying heavy grocery bags as we didn’t have a car and lived away from a bus stand. Never did she complain. Never did she cut on our food. Never did she make it an issue. She selflessly did everything possible in her capacity to give us the best of everything while regularly cutting on her own needs. How do I pay her back now that she is gone? Just visiting her grave every week is a challenge, even when she is only 25 minutes from my house. Forget about the graves of my dad, my grandma and others that are overseas. This is the million dollar question for many super busy people like myself - how do we take care of our deceased parents - parents who poured their everything in to us to make us whoever we are today. This struggle is real and I have found a solution not just for my mom, but for my dad, my uncle and my grandmother who poured their everything in me to make sure that I succeeded. I have invested into MY Project USA and made it a legacy for all of them. This organization is serving about 300 people every day and making a commutative daily impact of about $20,000 in the lives of the most underserved children and families in my own backyard. I see, hear and feel the difference with my own eyes and ears and my heart and soul are at peace that there is nothing I could do better as an American Muslim mother than this. Therefore, I dedicate all of this to my deceased parents. While I can’t visit my beloved elders' graves physically every day, I am able to send 300 gifts to them daily through my investment in this work and attribute the rewards of our daily $20,000 impact to them in hopes that God accepts it on their behalf and excels their ranks to the highest heaven, God willing. Wouldn’t you want the same for your deceased loved ones? I sincerely invite you to join hands with me today and schedule a recurring monthly gift of an amount that you would want to send to your beloved parents and loved ones who are no longer in control of their own deeds and depend on you to continue their legacy. I personally guarantee you that your gift will be handled and delivered carefully to people who need it the most and whose prayers will be heard in the highest heavens. In Solidarity with Youth & Families, Zerqa Abid, Founder, President and Executive Director, MY Project USA |